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Irina Shaporova


Russian (native)

(level of English is somewhere between B1 Intermediate and
B2 Upper Intermediate according to the Common European Framework of Reference,also known as the CEFR)


I have no work experience in an IT company


  • htmlHTML
  • cssCSS
  • jsJavaScript Basic
  • gitGit
  • githubGitHub
  • vscodeVS Code


I`m 23 years old. I started learning programming 3 months ago.
I hope the courses will help me to learn a lot of new things and improve my skills.
My Goal: to get more knowledge and experience for getting a job, to evolve to senior frontend developer. I found out about courses "Сodemasters International" from friend.


National Research Mordovia State University
Economics Institute
Academic programmes: Economics
Profile 3++: Finance and loans